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News: School of Entrepreneurship to host students from Ukraine and South Korea for Global Summer Entrepreneurship Program - Mon, July 8, 2024

Mon, July 8, 2024

School of Entrepreneurship to host students from Ukraine and South Korea for Global Summer Entrepreneurship Program

Cal State San Bernardino is hosting 21 international students for the Global Summer Entrepreneurship Summit from July 7-20. The two-week program, led by faculty from CSUSB's School of Entrepreneurship, features a curriculum designed to provide a robust understanding of entrepreneurship while fostering creativity and innovation.

Cal State San Bernardino will be hosting 21 international students as part of the Global Summer Entrepreneurship Summit from July 7-20. This intensive two-week entrepreneurship program, made possible through the generous support of Jim and Judy Watson and Chris Watson, will be led by faculty from the School of Entrepreneurship at CSUSB’s Jack H. Brown College of Business and Public Administration (JHBC).

The participants include 17 students from Ukraine and four students from South Korea. The Ukrainian students hail from Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, and Ukrainian Catholic University, while the South Korean students are from Seoul Cyber University. Additionally, two faculty members from the Ukrainian institutions will accompany their students.

Entrepreneurship professors Peiya Jia, Anna Long, Rama Krishna Reddy, and Mike Stull, director of the School of Entrepreneurship, will lead sessions on critical entrepreneurial topics, which will include "Genesis of the Entrepreneurial Venture," "Commercializing Innovation," and "The Entrepreneurial Process and Startup Models." The curriculum is designed to provide a robust understanding of entrepreneurship while fostering creativity and innovation.

“The School of Entrepreneurship at [JHBC] is a global leader in entrepreneurship education and practice,” said Tomás Gomez-Arias, dean of JHBC, referring to the Princeton Review’s ranking of the School of Entrepreneurship as #38 in the world. “With this Global Summer Entrepreneurship Summit, we help build capacity for innovation and economic development in areas of high need and impact.”

Beyond academic learning, the summit offers cultural enrichment and sightseeing opportunities in Southern California. This blend of education and cultural experiences aims to inspire students and broaden their global perspectives.

Learn more from the full news release here!

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