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What Our Student Say

What Do Our Students Think of the CSUSB School of Entrepreneurship?

At the CSUSB Entrepreneurship program, we believe very strongly that our program is designed and delivered in a way to provide maximum value to our students. In fact, that is why we assess the program each academic term, getting feedback from students to help inform our own assessment of our performance at the course and curriculum level. That feedback has helped us continually improve the experience for students, keeping us focused on providing the best educational experience possible.

So, we can “exercise our bragging rights” about the program because, well, we think it is pretty awesome! But all that really matters is WHAT OUR STUDENTS THINK! Those are the dedicated individuals that have completed our rigorous program and according to our last alumni survey, 48% of them have started or launched one or more ventures since their graduation.

CSUSB Entrepreneurship Student Feedback:

  • The sole reason I chose to attend Cal State San Bernardino was because I had heard about the legitimacy of the Entrepreneurship program. At one point in time the program itself was ranked fourth in the entire nation and one of my professors stated that it is amongst the top five percent of business programs in the world. The staff at Cal State San Bernardino completely blew away my expectations. Every class I ever attended at the school was led by a charismatic individuals who were passionate about what they were teaching and went above and beyond with helping students in any way they possibly could.
  • The curriculum taught me not only about business, but about how to live a more fulfilling life!
  • Throughout my courses in the Entrepreneurship Program, I have been helping to manage one of my family's businesses. Reflecting upon this, my expectations of the Entrepreneurship program were to apply my textbook learning--successfully--in a real-world business. From learning different managerial strategies to different operational strategies, I know I have been able to successfully implement what I have learned from the Entrepreneurship Program.
  • I took advantage of the many opportunities the school had set up for meeting fellow entrepreneurs and learning opportunities by taking us into local businesses in our community. These trips alone were wonderful hands-on learning experiences that for me were crucial to my growth.
  • Coming into the program I assumed to be met with professors who all taught theory and textbook concepts. Instead, I was greeted by faculty members who either are running business, helping start businesses, or had experiences in the business world. In other words, I was being taught by real-life examples of what to expect when I enter the real working world, not by some regurgitated information of an overpriced textbook. All the information I learned from this program has already began to be applied to my career and I plan to continue to apply all that I learned in my careers.
  • I commute to CSUSB from the San Diego area. I am constantly being asked: why do I drive past three universities on my way to a school so far away? The answer is simple: none of them provide the great entrepreneurship program that is available at my final destination.

Not only did the program meet my expectations, it exceeded them. This was due to two factors: the material covered, and the instructors in the program. The first, the material covered, helped me to realize everything that an entrepreneur deals with when starting a new business venture. The material is vast and includes a little of almost every business aspect a person can think of. From accounting and finance to product development and supply chain management, the program goes in-depth into all business aspects of starting a business venture. What made the vast information understandably was the dedicated instructors. They were willing to give up countless hours in order to make sure every student understands the material.

When Our Students Succeed, We Succeed...

  • The setting of the entrepreneurship classroom is like none other I have seen on campus. I feel this set the tone for a different type of class. Classes became more of a discussion instead of a lecture. Participation increased - 75% of students would participate instead of the 25% norm from other classes. I began to learn not only from the instructor but also from my fellow classmates.
  • I believe that any major, whether it be psychology, music, and everywhere in between, can benefit from the skills obtained in the Entrepreneurship Concentration. Whether it be networking or enhancing your own business by maximizing profit, exposure, and operational efficiency, the skills of the Entrepreneur program can really be used everywhere.
  • It is very apparent that the program is designed for the success of the student, given the vast amount of resources offered. I really feel the spirit of the entrepreneur is demonstrated effectively throughout the curriculum.
  • I loved my decision to pursue another degree with a concentration in Entrepreneurship. I loved all the courses and I had a great experience meeting and interacting with all the different professors. People don't realize how amazing this program is here at CSUSB, and we are really under looked for the amount of knowledge that is being taught in this department. I look forward to one day returning to CSUSB and acquiring my Masters for Entrepreneurship, and I thank the amazing staff for their dedication and commitment to our students.
  • This program took me out of the mindset of being a student and took me into the mindset of being a business person. It has taught me a lot more way beyond the classroom.
  • The courses forced me to forget about that way of thinking and learn to think of the world differently. The classes challenged the view I had of myself. Through these classes, I was able to see myself not only starting one business but many businesses. I see myself as being more creative, more confident, and more of the person that is likely to dream big and not settle for the status quo.
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